Wednesday 22 May
- Introduction by FACT (Fédération des Acteurs du Commerce dans les Territoires)
- ENOV Barometer: NOVASCOPE 2024 - The second-hand market
- Easy Cash success story
Thursday 23 May
- Congress of the CMCV (Club des Managers de Club des Managers de Ville et de Territoire) on the theme - The success of support programmes for town centres and territories: real progress but still areas for action.
- Data: an essential tool for developing local retail strategies
- The commercial dynamics of local areas
- Territorial Accessibility Fund, help for businesses to comply with standards.
- TransformationS of retail areas
- Back to store: the new global services that are winning over customers
- Awards ceremony of the Fédération des Acteurs du Commerce dans les Territoires (FACT)
Coming soon: Detailed conference programme